Caroline West
The Power List 2014

Caroline West
Associate Professor, Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Orléans/CNRS, Orléans, France.
Calling: “As a student, I was interested in forensics – a job that had the attraction of mystery to me. I only knew that analytical chemistry was one way to get there.”
Regret: “Probably not. I took the opportunities that offered themselves.”
Emphasis: “Chromatography with carbon dioxide-based mobile phases (SFC) is still keeping me very busy. There is so much more to learn!”
Hope: “I like exploring the frontiers, particularly those that I am being told are impassable. Thus the polarity limits of SFC, especially towards biomolecules, are of interest to me.”
Advice: “First: hard work! Second: forget about copy & paste – find your own way.”