Davy Guillarme
The Power List 2014
Davy Guillarme
Senior Lecturer, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva/University of Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland.
Calling: “I began to be particularly interested in chromatography thanks to my highly motivated supervisor of master thesis and PhD in Lyon, France.”
Emphasis: “The development of chromatographic techniques (including LC, UHPLC, SFC, HILIC) and their hyphenation with mass spectrometry for pharmaceutical analysis.”
Triumph: “The development of a calculator for method transfer from HPLC to UHPLC that has been downloaded more than 11,000 times to date.”
Respect: “Jean-Luc Veuthey (University of Geneva) and Sabine Heinisch (University of Lyon).”
Hope: “I would really like to expand my knowledge on the analytical characterization of biopharmaceuticals (monoclonal antibodies) as this is an important trend in the pharmaceutical industry.”