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Isabelle Francois

The Power List 2014

Isabelle Francois

UPC²/SFC & Strategic Separation Technologies Business Development Manager for Europe and India, Waters Corporation, Saint-Quentin, France.

Calling: “My interest in science and continuous ‘need to understand’ inspired me to commence my PhD research. The next step was to utilize that knowledge in real-life applications for a commercial organization rather than to focus on fundamentals in an academic environment.”

Emphasis: “Business development for specific Waters products including UPC², 2D-UPLC and other technologies across Europe and India.”

Triumph: “Applying my technical and fundamental background to the real analytical needs of the industry, and generating sales and having a business impact while maintaining my scientific credibility.”

Respect: “My PhD promoter Pat Sandra – he significantly inspired me during my research – and he still does. I am very thankful that he guided me down the path to becoming the scientist I am today.”

Prediction: “From an instrumental perspective, I foresee continuous improvements in mass spectroscopy (for example, ion mobility) and trends towards miniaturization in the chromatography domain. From an application standpoint, the importance of the field of life sciences will continue to increase.”

Part of the Power List 2014

Top 40 Under 40

In 2013, we compiled a list of the Top 100 most influential analytical scientists – an endeavor that received a significant amount of attention and, it’s fair to say, caused more than a little controversy. Our 2014 Top 40 Under 40 list almost halves the average age of the celebrated individuals, with many of them born in the same year as the iconic Sex Pistols cover – 1977.

Go to The Power List 2014

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