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Jordi Arbiol


ICREA Research Professor, Group of Advanced Electron Nanoscopy (GAeN), Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain.

Calling: Since I was a child, I dreamed being a scientist, exploring the limits of the Universe. My research brought me to explore the limits of matter at atomic scale.

Regret: “I feel so fortunate and proud of what I am doing, I am sure I would repeat the same path.”

Emphasis: “I study the materials at atomic scale trying to understand they behavior (physical properties) at the macroscale.”

Triumph: “Awarded with the EU40 Materials Prize by the E-MRS, and elected Vice-President of the Spanish Microscopy Society (SME).”

Respect: “Rafal Dunin-Borkowski and Paul Midgley”

Hope: “Based on transmission electron microscopy, I hope to be able to map and distinguish isotopes at atomic scale or map phonons and photons in a 3D reconstruction.”

Prediction: “Electron microscopy will smash the limits of resolution and obtain real atomic 4D resolution.”

Advice: “Follow your dreams and work hard for them – they can always come true.”

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