Michael Breadmore
Professor, Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), School of Physical Science, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Calling: “Chemistry was effortless and the opportunities just seemed to follow.”
Regret: “No. But I would really love to have some undergraduate biochemistry and molecular biology. And to be able to speak a Chinese language.”
Emphasis: “Simplifying sample preparation to make uTASs through the use of electrokinetic and hydrodynamic phenomena.”
Triumph: “Microchip methods for DNA extraction and electrokinetics for extracting and concentrating drugs from whole blood.”
Respect: Jim Jorgenson & Juan Santiago
Hope: “To see widespread uptake of electrophoresis in miniaturized analytical devices.|”
Prediction: “Additive manufacturing will completely change what we can do in microfluidics.”
Advice: “Think big and think different.”