Evaluating a Novel Approach to SERS
A new generation of SERS substrates shows promise to combine the convenience of SERS substrates with the reproducibility of SERS performed in solution with a hybrid approach.

contributed by Wasatch Photonics |
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), first discovered in the 1970’s, has long offered the promise of sensitive detection of trace analytes using Raman spectroscopy. In practice, however, no SERS approach has found quite the right balance between reproducibility, cost, ease of use, and scalability. In this application note, we present and test a new generation of SERS substrates which show promise to combine the convenience of SERS substrates with the reproducibility of SERS performed in solution. Developed by Nikalyte, these SERS substrates employ a hybrid approach - a quartz fiber pad coated with gold nanoparticles to which a liquid analyte can be applied...
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