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App Notes

Results 671–680 of 1416

Microfluidic CE-MS: A Single System for Monitoring Small Molecule and Protein Biomarkers from Blood Samples

| Contributed by 908 Devices

In this work we present a microfluidic CE-MS system capable of analyzing large and small molecule biomarkers without the need to significantly alter the instrumentation.

Molecular Weight Determination for Dextran 40/60/70 According to USP/EP Monograph

| Contributed by PSS

Specific e-workflow in PSS WinGPC MCDS allows for calibration and molar mass determination for Dextran 40, 60 and 70 as stated by USP and EP.

Comprehensive Drug Metabolism Using Electrochemistry-MS (EC-MS)

| Contributed by Antec Scientific

Fast mimicking and prediction of oxidative metabolism “in electro” as a comprehensive technique to analyze in vivo and in vitro drug metabolism

Detection of Residual Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables Using PortabilityTM Miniature Mass Spectrometer

| Contributed by Bayspec

Mass spectrometry can now be deployed for on-site pesticide screening in real time

Practical Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC)

| Contributed by Ace

How instrument and column technologies continually evolve to meet the requirements of UHPLC.

Building Laboratory Capacity to Ensure Cannabis Safety, Quality, and Efficacy

| Contributed by Waters

Waters ACQUITY UPLC-MS/MS and Xevo TQ-S micro systems improve pesticide detection for ProVerde Laboratories, helping scientists ensure consumer safety for medical marijuana products.

Visualizing Structural Changes in Batteries Using Hard Radiation and the GaliPIX3D Detector

| Contributed by Malvern Panalytical

Zn – MnO2 alkaline batteries were investigated by computed tomography using an Empyrean multipurpose laboratory diffractometer in combination with hard X-radiation (Ag anode) and the GaliPIX3D detector.

Malvern Panalytical and Waters Collaborate to Improve Polymer Characterization

| Contributed by Malvern Panalytical

Two low molecular weight polymers, a polystyrene and a polycaprolactone, were analyzed using the OMNISEC REVEAL and Waters ACQUITY APC.

GPC/SEC Analysis of Polymer Branching

| Contributed by Malvern Panalytical

In this application note, four PVC samples of known differences in glossiness were measured with both multi-detector GPC and rotational rheometry.

Using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry for Biophysical Characterization of Chromatin-Binding Proteins

| Contributed by Malvern Panalytical

Epigenetic regulation of genomic DNA for gene expression is important in cellular differentiation and the development of an organism.

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