Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/16/2015 | Davy Guillarme, Hans-Gerd Janssen
We ask an impossible question as 2015 comes to a close: which piece of literature stood out from the crowd
01/22/2015 | Hans-Gerd Janssen
Other techniques are beating chromatography and mass spectrometry to the hero’s reward all too often. Are they better? No. Are they faster to first result? Yes. Is it time to acknowledge that – on the frontlines – fit-for-purpose triumphs over best-in-class? You decide.
05/27/2014 | Hans-Gerd Janssen
New methods that focus on increased sensitivity or resolution are being developed on an almost daily basis. But are they the right methods and do we even need them? I say “no and no,” and here’s why.
11/19/2013 | Hans-Gerd Janssen, Yolanda Pico, Michele Suman, Rudolf Krska, Michel Nielen
We sample the views of five food analysis experts. Is separation science still the greatest thing since sliced bread, or are there bigger fish to fry?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond