Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
06/10/2013 | Amrita Mitra, Amit Kumar Mandal
A combination of HDX-MS and IMS will help to explore the basis of functional failures in proteins linked to medical conditions.
06/10/2013 | Robert Kennedy, Albert van den Berg, Juan G. Santiago
Three gurus describe significant breakthroughs in micro and nanoscale analytical techniques and envisage where they might take us next.
04/16/2013 | Norm Dovichi, Amanda Hummon
The proteome, which is the set of proteins expressed by a genome, cell, tissue or organism at a given time ... presents immense analytical challenges – but offers substantial rewards. Here, current approaches to proteomics, their strengths and their shortcomings, are explored.
02/21/2013 | Alejandro Cifuentes
The integration and application of powerful post-genomic technologies is required for food scientists to meet their latest challenges.
01/14/2013 | Rich Whitworth
An Open Source platform promises wizardry in the analysis of proteomics mega datasets. Proteomics …
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A Voyage of Diagnostic Discovery
The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2024: #1
“A Turning Point in Translational Medicine”