GC-MS Application Challenge: Application Note Format

Application are CLOSED NOW. Based on the extended deadline, the results will be announced APRIL 2023.
Application notes should be between two and six pages, with no more than 2,500 words, and can include up to a combined total of six tables and figures.
The following format must be used:
- 4-20 words describing the application note
Key words
- 4 to 5 key words that apply to the application note
- 100-150 words describing the work
- Mention subjects studied, methods used, principal observations made, and conclusions reached
- Present enough information that an experienced chromatographer would be able to reproduce the work
- List the components of the experimental design that are of a specialized nature, including the names of the equipment and manufacturer
- Include the following information as it pertains to GC and MS systems used: 1D or GCxGC column dimensions, film thicknesses, stationary phase type, carrier gas used, flow rate, injection and inlet conditions, and mass spectrometer conditions including: mass range acquired, acquisition rate, ionization mode, transfer line temperature and ion source temperature
Results and Discussion
- Include chromatograms, spectra, and other relevant figures along with sufficient text to explain the nature of the results
- Concise statement of the findings, including any future plans for additional work
Application notes should be submitted as PDF files or Word documents below:
By entering, you are agreeing to receive communications regarding the competition from Axel Samrau, GL Sciences, LECO, Restek and The Analytical Scientist
Top awards Best novel application (LECO), Excellence in chromatography (Restek), Creative use of application workflows, sample prep & automation (Axel Semrau) and Special recognition (GL Sciences) terms will be provided directly by sponsors and Additional prizes: Application excellence and Runners-up prizes amazon gift cards will be directly provided by The Analytical Scientist
*Due to amount of volume, we will only contact the winners, we cannot acknowledge receipt of entry*