Gert Desmet
The Power List 2017

Gert Desmet
Full Professor and Department Head, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Career highlight
Scientifically, my work on shear-driven chromatography and the development of the kinetic plot method. Professionally, my appointment as Associate Editor to Analytical Chemistry and receiving an ERC Advanced Grant.
The joy of separation science
As an engineering mind working in chromatography, I always find it impressive to see that we can separate mixtures not just into two or three, but literally thousands of fractions. Not to mention how mind-blowing it is to see fractions detected down to the yoctomole level.
Where is analytical science heading?
Analytical science is the enabling technology to discover all key processes in our body and brain. There is so much humanity still doesn’t know yet, and this will continue to drive progress in analytical science to ever more comprehensive, fast and sensitive measurements for many more decades to come.
Categories: Mentors, Leaders, Separation Scientists