Davy Guillarme
The Power List 2017

Davy Guillarme
Senior Lecturer in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva/University of Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland.
My highest motivation is to help develop PhD and postdoc students in the field of analytical pharmaceutical chemistry. I’m also very pleased when I can present some interesting data obtained by my students at international conferences.
Luckiest break
I started my career with the development of analytical methods for small molecules. In 2012, we decided to evaluate the possibilities of chromatographic approaches (including LC, 2D-LC and LC-MS) for the analysis of protein biopharmaceuticals. Looking at the pharmaceutical market in 2017, I think we took a good decision at the right time, since a significant amount of R&D activity in the pharmaceutical industry is dedicated today to the analysis of large proteins.
Why pharmaceutical science?
Analytical techniques are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, so there is always a need to develop some new analytical methods both for small molecules and protein biopharmaceuticals. In addition, when developing some new tools/methods for pharmaceutical analysis, I feel that I play a role in improving the safety of drugs.