Ron Heeren
The Power List 2017

Ron Heeren
Director of Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4I), Distinguished Professor and Limburg Chair at Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Career highlight
Building M4I and establishing translational clinical molecular imaging. On a more scientific level, the development of Timepix-based detection systems (originating from CERN) for protein imaging mass spectrometry was an amazing highlight.
Most successful collaboration
First, a collaboration with Steven Olde-Damink, a surgeon here in Maastricht. Second, my collaboration with all of my PhDs and postdocs, without whom I would not be where I am now.
Where is mass spectrometry headed?
To the clinic, where molecular identities, molecular localization and dynamics can be monitored at different diagnostics levels both in vivo and ex vivo.