Lourdes Ramos
The Power List 2017

Lourdes Ramos
Research Scientist, Department of Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Scientific Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain.
Most successful collaboration
One of the most satisfying and long-standing has been my collaboration with Udo A.Th. Brinkman, which started during my postdoctoral work in his group in the late 1990s and continues as a friendship even now.
Career highlight
I do not expend too much time looking back to my career except when I have to learn from mistakes. Instead, I prefer to focus on long-term achievements like contributing to the development of fast and green analytical methodologies, or improving our knowledge about the presence and fate of legacy and non-regulated pollutants in the environment, and the early identification of unknown microcontaminants.
Most rewarding moment
Each time one of my PhD students becomes a Doctor and I feel certain that he or she will be a great professional from both an ethical and scientific point of view.