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Koji Otsuka

The Power List 2020 – Asia

Professor, Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

Reason for pursuing analytical science: I thought that analytical chemistry is both fun and important. Though it is one of the most basic fields in chemistry, no developments in chemistry would have been possible without analytical chemistry.

Greatest inspiration: Professor Shigeru Terabe. He was my supervisor in graduate school, and is known worldwide as the inventor of micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). He is gentle – but always strict about science.

Time travel destination: I’d go back to my studenthood in the graduate school of Kyoto University. I’d like to conduct extensive studies and research covering wider areas of chemistry.

Advice to younger self: There is no end-point for research. Do the best you can and work as hard as possible.

Part of the Power List 2020

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