Robert Kennedy
The Power List 2013

Robert Kennedy
Hobart H. Willard Professor of Chemistry; Professor, Pharmacology, University of Michigan, USA
Highlight: “Although most of our work has been in chemical separations, our development of an electrode to measure insulin secretion at single cells was a surprising success that led to many discoveries about insulin regulation. A close second is the realization of the potential for rapid separation in many areas of chemical analysis.”
Main motivation: “I have always been fascinated by biology. I am motivated by the excitement generated from harnessing the power of new chemical instrumentation to answer both curiosity and disease-centered questions in biological systems.”
Future aspiration: “In the next 10 years, I hope that we can prove the potential of droplet microfluidics for drug discovery, make our in vivo neurochemical analysis methods routine so that they can be used to study the regulation of neurotransmitters, and improve metabolomics to discover underlying causes of diabetes.”