Daniel Armstrong
The Power List 2013

Daniel Armstrong
Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Highlight: “Developing many of the earliest chiral phases for HPLC and GC ranks high. Our chiral HPLC work provided much of the impetus for the FDA to pass new drug development guidelines – and that changed the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. Our GC columns have been sent on space missions to comets, Mars and Venus.”
Main motivation: “My main motivation has always been to do, develop and/or explain things that are new, interesting and potentially useful – and to teach others to do likewise. This is the enjoyable and most gratifying part of research. Another aspect is the chance to solve problems and the mysteries of nature.”
Future aspiration: “My goal is to continue to innovate and be as useful and productive as possible with the time I have – and to have as good a time as possible doing so!”