Wolfgang Lindner
The Power List 2013

Wolfgang Lindner
Professor Emeritus, Analytical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria
Highlight: “My most rewarding intellectual achievement relates to a deeper understanding in molecular recognition phenomena in separation sciences, which is the basis for “selectivity” in chromatography, electrophoresis, etc. In this context, the development of highly dedicated stereoselective chiral selectors and chiral stationary phases (CSPs), which eventually got commercialized, are highlights.”
Main motivation: “My main scientific motivation has always been driven by the curiosity and the desire to discover correlations. I was very fortunate to share this passion with excellent co-workers and students with whom I had the pleasure of cooperating. Chemistry was already my dream when I was at high school.”
Future aspiration: “My aspiration was and still is to combine several aspects: (i) to dedicate all efforts to basic research, (ii) to translate the gained knowledge to the development of novel products and methodologies useful for the public, (iii) to work as a teacher and to stimulate young people to find fascination in science – academia and industry.”