Janusz Pawliszyn
The Power List 2015

Janusz Pawliszyn
Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Most important lesson I learned that it is helpful when developing new science ideas to work with scientists who share the passion for the particular research direction.
Encounters with serendipity Early in my carrier I discovered the significance of concentration gradient detection while investigating photothermal effects at the electrode interface. This work eventually led to development of microfluidics systems for capillary electrophoresis based on single point and whole column imaging detectors.
Eye on the horizon Further development of mass spectrometry instrumentation will have a dramatic impact on the practice of analytical chemistry. The number of new approaches based on rapid chromatography/MS, direct sample preparation/MS and direct sample introduction/MS will grow. Miniaturization of MS and front end devices will result in devices facilitating on-site multicomponent analysis, resulting in rapid diagnostic tools in hospitals, rapid screening methods for food quality determinations, and monitoring approaches for environment.