Gerard Rozing
The Power List 2015

Gerard Rozing
Technical Consultant,; Scientific Advisory Board member, Advanced Electrophoresis Solutions, Germany.
Encounters with serendipity Serendipity occurs in our environment naturally and is part of it. Grabbing the unexpected potential to perform liquid chromatography in a CE capillary and instrument (capillary electochromatography) is an example from my own career. Nevertheless, not all discoveries make it – if asked for a “killer application”, an inventor or engineer will find it difficult to answer since the technology is new.
Eye on the horizon I continue to see deterioration in the fundamental knowledge of young scientists (in academia and industry) in analytical science. Moreover, it has become increasingly difficult for those in industry to catch up with new developments in addition to complying with many policies (IT security, GMP, ISO etc., safety at work) in addition to administrative work and training. Therefore, I expect that instrument manufacturers will gain more and more responsibility for the validation of the data their instruments produce and increase the level of automation of their instruments (towards intelligent autonomous systems, systems that suggests a user method, validation steps, and so on).