Gongke Li
The Power List 2016

Gongke Li
Professor and Director of the Institute of Analytical Sciences, School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Passion: With expertise in chromatographic and spectral analysis, my major research interest is focused on the development of modern sample preparation technique and its application to trace analysis of complex systems, especially for food, environmental and biological samples. I also study preparative-scale separation method for natural product. Recently, I have great interest in surface enhanced Raman scattering imaging analysis.
Pivotal moment: The change of research field from atomic spectral analysis to chromatographic analysis after obtaining my PhD degree in 1992 and then the establishment of my research group for separation and analysis of complex systems.
Prediction: The development of in situ, in vivo and online sample preparation technique is a promising field. The theranostics incorporated with nanotechnology and Raman imaging will be a rapidly growing field. The research of on-site analysis will be paid much attention. The practicability of analytical methods will be more focused on complex sample analysis.