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143 search results for ‘nanoparticle’

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

The Science of Art

| Marco Leona

How analytical chemistry contributes to understanding and preserving our cultural heritage ...

Business & Education Spectroscopy

Venture Vanguard

Sitting Down With… Andrew Whitley, Vice President of Sales and Business Development at HORIBA Scientific

Techniques & Tools Technology

The TASIAs Are Here

Accurate measurement is the very essence of science; better measurement technologies are the fuel of progress. Here, we recognize a year’s worth of innovation in The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards (TASIAs) 2013.

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy in the Hot Seat

| Joanna Cummings

SciX chairs and share their tips for getting the most out of the conference – and their prediction for the field.

Business & Education Sample Preparation

Characterizing method for polymers

| Sponsored by Malvern Panalytical

This whitepaper reviews the methods available for measuring the key characteristics of polymers focusing on the benefits and value of gel permeation / size exclusion chromatography (GPC/SEC). Much of the paper talks exclusively about polymers, however many of the principles discussed are equally applicable to proteins or protein conjugate materials.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

When only a MALS detector will do…

Light scattering detectors play an important role in gel permeation chromatography and size exclusion chromatography (GPC/SEC) analysis because of their ability to directly measure molecular weight distribution. Multi angle light scattering (MALS) detectors are often chosen, in some instances because they provide the most accurate data for the measurement of the radius of gyration (Rg), and in others because they have become an accepted industry standard. The launch of Malvern Instruments’ new Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 detector extends commercial choice in this area and draws the technology into the spotlight.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Conversations About Chromatography

| Peter Schoenmakers, Bob Pirok

A candid conversation about chromatography between Bob Pirok and Peter Schoenmakers

Techniques & Tools Technology

The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2022

| 13 min read

Introducing the best analytical technology, software, and instruments of 2022

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Breaking it Down: Three Gurus of LIBS

| Vincenzo Palleschi, Richard E Russo, David W Hahn

Our experts take stock of the last 20 years of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

Fields & Applications Chemical

Chemicals Everywhere

| Enrico Davoli

By exploring the space dimension at both the macro- and micro-scale, we uncover complex chemical heterogeneity

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