Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/16/2017 | Giles Barton
Paying attention to the finer points of filtration in sample preparation can help avoid simple mistakes
11/16/2017 | German Augusto Gómez-Ríos
Gómez-Ríos describes a simple solution with surprising performance: coated blade spray.
11/16/2017 | Gert Desmet
Gert Desmet, Full Professor and Department Head, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
11/15/2017 | Charlotte Barker
A new mass spec cartridge could deliver on-the-spot drug screening in 30 seconds
11/15/2017 | Marcus Lippold
We let you know what’s going on in the business world of analytical science.
The Power List 2017: the 10 Top 10 scientists in separations, mass spec, pharma and more…
10/11/2017 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
What exactly do we mean by efficiency?
10/11/2017 | Norman Dovichi
From emerging technologies to the impact of the omics, Norman Dovichi discusses what’s driving LC forward
10/11/2017 | Joanna Cummings
10/11/2017 | Michael Schubert
An inexpensive, smartphone-based device could offer a wide range of point-of-care tests
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond