APGC Roundtable: Unveiling the Pathways of GC-MS/MS Evolution
Join this roundtable and learn more from the experts about the principles of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, the advantages of APGC and challenges in GC-MS/MS technology.
sponsored by Waters
Join the Waters roundtable for free and learn more from the industry experts as they discuss the principles of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, the advantages of APGC and challenges and innovations in GC-MS/MS technology.
- Discuss what GC-MS/MS is and what applicaitons it is used for (Dioxins, POPs, etc.)
- Transition into an overview of APGC as a solution
- Discuss challenges or limitations of the current GC/MS/MS technology
- Share why using nitrogen as a carrier gas for GC/MS/MS analysis is optimal