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Techniques & Tools Proteomics

Immune System Chat Room

| Rich Whitworth

How hundreds of extracellular signaling proteins secreted during immune responses were ... discovered – and what it tells us about the whisperered conversations between cells

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Imaging Below 100 nm — without Fluorescence

| Rich Whitworth

Saturated transient absorption microscopy (STAM) opens a new door into the nanoscopic world of ... biomedical and nanomaterials research

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Know Your Onions

| Rich Whitworth

Researchers tackle elucidation of sulfur-containing metabolites in plant extracts with Fourier ... transform mass spectrometry

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

New Generation

| Rich Whitworth

In May, emerging analytical professionals gathered at a UK conference of the same name to present ... and network – and to compete for The Analytical Scientist’s first ever prize.

Fields & Applications Materials

Hallway Talk

| Fiorenzo Omenetto

Casual conversations with colleagues from a different field can spark ideas, and even new areas.

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

How to Beat Cheat Meat

| Johannes Lenstra

Unscrupulous traders are substituting meat from undesired species. We have the tools to stop them, but do we have the political will?

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Structural Proteomics Takes Aim at Disease

| Amrita Mitra, Amit Kumar Mandal

A combination of HDX-MS and IMS will help to explore the basis of functional failures in proteins linked to medical conditions.

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Rising Above the Helium Shortage

| Ed Connor

Worldwide helium demand far exceeds current production levels. For many gas chroma- tography applications, the ... switch to hydrogen is painless. What’s stopping you?

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Toying with Athletes

| Rich Whitworth, Frank van Geel

WADA is on a mission to rid sports of substances that impart an unfair advantage.

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Breath Analysis for Disease Diagnosis

| Terence Risby, Lisa Spacek

Jumping on the breath biomarker bandwagon is tempting, but a number of failures to observe the ... fundamental rules of good science have cast doubt over the ... technique. Here, the authors describe best practice, from collection to clinical evaluation.

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