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App Notes

Results 451–460 of 1416

Determination of Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans in Four Types of Wastewater by EPA Method 1613 Rev. B

| Contributed by CDS

Presenting recovery data in monitoring of Dioxins and Furans from 4 types of wastewater samples per EPA Method 1613 Rev. B by using Empore disks.

Multi-step Pyrolysis of Powdered Meteorite Using a Pyroprobe with GC/MS

| Contributed by CDS

This application note demonstrates multi-step pyrolysis GC-MS of a powdered meteorite sample.

Detection of residual pesticides on fruits and vegetables using Portability™ miniature mass spectrometer

| Contributed by Bayspec

Mass spectrometry can be now deployed for onsite pesticide screening in real time.

Sample Preparation Method for Determination of Mycophenolic Acid in Plasma Using ISOLUTE ® SLE+

| Contributed by Biotage

ISOLUTE® SLE+ was used as a sample pretreatment column for mycophenolic acid determination in plasma using the principles of SLE.

Automated analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in soils: Versatile options for extending analyte range and sensitivity

| Contributed by Markes International Ltd

Soils are fundamental to a wide range of ecosystem functions, and monitoring soil health is essential to ensure that these functions can be maintained

High resolution analysis of monoclonal antibodies using the cation exchange column BioPro IEX SF

| Contributed by YMC

Cation exchange chromatography (CEX) is perceived to be the gold standard for the charge sensitive characterisation of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs).

Quantitative analysis of microplastics in bottled drinks

| Contributed by Markes International Ltd

There is a growing concern that the accumulation of microplastics in the environment could have an adverse effect on human health

Enhancing the sensitivity of headspace analysis using large volume preconcentration (LVP) – Trace-level GC–MS analysis of VOCs in foods and beverages

| Contributed by Markes International Ltd

In this app note, we show an increase in sensitivity for headspace analysis using a sample preparation technique called large volume preconcentration.

Enhancing sensitivity for headspace and headspace-SPME analysis: The benefits of a trap-based approach

| Contributed by Markes International Ltd

How sorbent-packed focusing traps can be used to enhance sensitivity for headspace and headspace-SPME sampling of trace-level VOCs and SVOCs

Analysis of Pesticides in a Cannabis sativa Matrix

| Contributed by Jeol

Cannabis sativa is well-known for its use as a recreational drug due the presence of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

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