Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
11/11/2019 | Victoria Samanidou
Victoria discusses the somewhat unappreciated role of Greek phrases in the language of chemistry
04/17/2019 | Victoria Samanidou
Analytical chemists can help facilitate "greener" chemical analysis of organic compounds.
01/17/2019 | Victoria Samanidou
Doesn’t chromatography – or at least analytical chemistry – deserve a place among the days of international celebration?
11/07/2018 | Victoria Samanidou
We need to embrace the transformative potential of 3D printing
06/01/2018 | Victoria Samanidou
Victoria Samanidou presents her “MOF 101” and highlights how almost limitless configurations open up a wealth of opportunities to improve sample preparation.
04/05/2018 | Victoria Samanidou
Why deadlines are essential for good time management and self-motivation
01/11/2018 | Victoria Samanidou, Martin Giera, Hans-Gerd Janssen, Jhanis J Gonzalez, Karen Faulds
We ask analytical science experts to select a 2017 paper that stood out from the crowd
10/11/2017 | Victoria Samanidou
The next generation of chromatographers risks losing sight of basic principles
07/14/2017 | Victoria Samanidou
Age-based stereotypes exist - but to what extent is age related to research productivity?
04/13/2017 | Victoria Samanidou
Is sample preparation still the bottleneck of analytical chemistry?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond