Philippe Wilson
The Power List 2021

Professor of One Health, Nottingham Trent University and Chief Scientific Officer, NHS Willows Health, UK
Advice? Dare to innovate. Some of the best projects I’ve become involved in have been at the fringes of my (then) expertise but have made me learn, grow, and succeed – all in that order. If something fascinates you, go for it and see where it leads. Don’t listen to the Imposter Syndrome on your shoulder; we all get it. My trick has been to acknowledge it is there, and plough on ahead regardless. Also, it’s important to understand how you work best. Personally, I know that I work well when a large team is working with me on my projects, and with a huge variety in these programs of work. However, that is not for everyone, and others prefer to really concentrate on very specific areas. Understanding how you work best from an early stage can go a long way to charting out a successful career trajectory.