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Sergio Nanita

The Power List 2014

Sergio Nanita

Principal Investigator, DuPont Crop Protection, Stine-Haskell Research Center, Newark, Delaware, USA.

Calling: “Because I have found daily happiness and excitement in analytical chemistry. And, research in industry is fast-paced, delivers societal benefits, and keeps me intellectually busy solving high-impact problems.”
Regret: “No. However, I may change my decision regarding project concepts/ideas that remained untested... I could still revisit some, though.”

Emphasis: “Advancing analytical chemistry in industry mainly by improving high-throughput, ambient and imaging MS, and trace-level quantitative analysis.”
Triumph: “Establishing academic-quality analytical research in industry that produced the infinite dilution method, faster pesticide residue analysis – techniques implemented worldwide.”
Respect: “My most influential mentor – R. Graham Cooks (Purdue University), and Jonathan Sweedler (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).

Hope: “Make quantitative mass spectrometry without matrix effects routine, trace-level analysis simpler than ever before, and ambient-MS practical for agrochemical research. In summary: advance analytical chemistry, while motivating future science leaders.”

Prediction: “The coupling of smartphones and unmanned aerial vehicles to analytical chips and instrumentation… sampling and analysis by anyone!”
Advice: “Invest in finding your passion. Once you have found it, pursue it wholeheartedly.”

Part of the Power List 2014

Top 40 Under 40

In 2013, we compiled a list of the Top 100 most influential analytical scientists – an endeavor that received a significant amount of attention and, it’s fair to say, caused more than a little controversy. Our 2014 Top 40 Under 40 list almost halves the average age of the celebrated individuals, with many of them born in the same year as the iconic Sex Pistols cover – 1977.

Go to The Power List 2014

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