Sergio Nanita
The Power List 2014
Sergio Nanita
Principal Investigator, DuPont Crop Protection, Stine-Haskell Research Center, Newark, Delaware, USA.
Calling: “Because I have found daily happiness and excitement in analytical chemistry. And, research in industry is fast-paced, delivers societal benefits, and keeps me intellectually busy solving high-impact problems.”
Regret: “No. However, I may change my decision regarding project concepts/ideas that remained untested... I could still revisit some, though.”
Emphasis: “Advancing analytical chemistry in industry mainly by improving high-throughput, ambient and imaging MS, and trace-level quantitative analysis.”
Triumph: “Establishing academic-quality analytical research in industry that produced the infinite dilution method, faster pesticide residue analysis – techniques implemented worldwide.”
Respect: “My most influential mentor – R. Graham Cooks (Purdue University), and Jonathan Sweedler (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).
Hope: “Make quantitative mass spectrometry without matrix effects routine, trace-level analysis simpler than ever before, and ambient-MS practical for agrochemical research. In summary: advance analytical chemistry, while motivating future science leaders.”
Prediction: “The coupling of smartphones and unmanned aerial vehicles to analytical chips and instrumentation… sampling and analysis by anyone!”
Advice: “Invest in finding your passion. Once you have found it, pursue it wholeheartedly.”