Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
06/26/2019 | Matt Hallam
Jacob Shelley, Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, tells us about the most exciting new advances in spectroscopy and MS
Our quickfire round up of the most eye-catching spectroscopy research.
06/19/2019 | Andrew Lynn
Andrew Lynn, CEO of Fluidic Analytics, shares his expertise on the use of microfluidics to study protein interactions.
06/06/2019 | Sponsored by Pharma Fluidics
Johan Devenyns, CEO of PharmaFluidics, answers our questions on their micro-chip chromatography technologies including the μPAC.
05/29/2019 | Ricardo M. Borges
MS and NMR represent two powerful individual tools - but is a combination of both the most powerful way forward?
Download our free supplement to uncover the latest advances and applications in mass spectrometry.
05/29/2019 | Lydia Kisley
Unifying separation disciplines may provide a powerful approach for addressing future problems - we explore the possibility with Lydia Kisley.
05/28/2019 | Charlotte Barker
Portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF) gives researchers new insights into the pigments used in ancient rock art.
05/28/2019 | Peter Boeker
From beginner's luck to modern expertise, Peter Boeker takes us through his journey with field flow thermal gradient gas chromatography.
05/22/2019 | Luke Turner
New lab-on-a-chip device that identifies tumor exosomes in blood samples may provide a noninvasive diagnostic tool for cancer patients.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond