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Techniques & Tools

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Our Research In Images

We asked three leading proponents of MS imaging to share a selection of powerful images, which tell the story of their work.

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Image of the Month: Small Separations

| Charlotte Barker

Will microscale 3D columns have a big impact on the future of liquid-phase separations?

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Chip Off the Old Block

| Steven Wilson

How can analytical chemistry support the rise of organoids and organ-on-a-chip technologies?

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Life in Plastic, It's Not Fantastic

| Matt Hallam

Raman spectroscopy highlights the presence of an invisible pest lurking below the ocean’s surface - microplastics.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Change on the Horizon

| Monika Dittmann, Stephan Buckenmaier

2D-LC is gaining popularity as an important platform in many industries because of increasingly stringent analytical demands.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

The Coming of Age of 2D-LC

| Peter Schoenmakers, Bob Pirok, Koen Sandra, André de Villiers

Multidimensional LC is stepping into the spotlight - but how will it fare? Four experts share their verdicts.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

A Turning Tide

| Isabelle François

2D-LC-MS brings important benefits to the fields of pharma, biopharma, omics, and natural product analysis.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

MS: Access All Areas

| Sponsored by Agilent Technologies

Shane Tichy reveals the story behind the new InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ System.

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Texas Reflections

| Tadeusz Górecki, James Grinias, Peter Tranchida, Pierre-Hugues Stefanuto, Michelle L Kovarik, Katelynn Perrault

Stand-out speakers from ISCC & GCxGC 2019 answer our questions on the state of the field following their time in Texas.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Photoacoustic Microscopy Makes All the Right Noises

| Luke Turner

A new laser technique uses vibrations to listen to the metabolic activity of cancer cells, shedding light (and sound) on intratumoral heterogeneity.

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