Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
10/04/2023 | Markella Loi
A wearable sensor that continuously monitors chloride ions in sweat could be used to spot early signs of heat stroke
10/03/2023 | Davy Guillarme | 3 min read
Are ultra-short chromatography columns fit for pharma?
09/29/2023 | Jessica Allerton, Frank van Geel | 5 min read
After receiving the Uwe Neue Award, Tom Walter discusses his career in chromatography at Waters
09/27/2023 | Arun Apte | 2 min read
We need effective strategies to help cannabis testing labs, regulators, and consumers address THC inflation
09/25/2023 | Jessica Allerton
Quantifying THC in oral fluid by turning convention on its head
08/24/2023 | Jessica Allerton | 2 min read
How researchers combined photoelectrochemical and in situ transient absorption spectroscopy measurements in the search for more efficient solar energy
08/17/2023 | James Strachan
Nominations are open for The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2023!
08/11/2023 | Jessica Allerton
LC-MS/MS-based cannabis breathalyzer fails to reach statistical significance – but further studies planned
07/19/2023 | Isabelle François | 5 min read
Supercritical fluid chromatography adoption is increasing, slowly but surely, across several industries – especially for large-scale applications.
06/22/2023 | Suzanne Foster | 5 min read
How lab automation can streamline workflows and empower scientists in the year of the rabbit
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond