Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
03/06/2024 | Markella Loi | 3 min read
A stained Centaur marble head, kinases, a mysterious skeleton… The latest research accomplished with mass spec.
03/05/2024 | Jessica Allerton | 4 min read
Why Susan Richardson’s recent discoveries about disinfection by-products are (even more) cause for concern
03/04/2024 | Jessica Allerton
What books should analytical scientists read? We asked the 2023 Power Listers.
03/01/2024 | Jessica Allerton | 5 min read
Ina Varfaj describes her victory at the 2023 Separation Science Slam – and what it felt like singing to a full auditorium
02/29/2024 | Markella Loi
Metabolomic profiling reveals 17 possible diagnostic markers for mood disorders
02/28/2024 | Jessica Allerton
02/27/2024 | Markella Loi
This month’s latest business news; partnerships and new products designed for analytical advancements in biopharma, data management and more…
02/26/2024 | Jessica Allerton | 16 min read
As health concerns related to per- and poly-fluorinated substances (PFAS) become increasingly apparent, analytical science must rise to the challenge.
02/23/2024 | Jessica Allerton
02/22/2024 | Markella Loi | 3 min read
Meet the micro-immunoelectrode biosensor that enables noninvasive detection of SARS-CoV-2 – in less than a minute
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond