Ying Zhu

Senior Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Fears? I worry people put too much emphasis on data science or artificial intelligence that attempts to rescue unreliable or noisy data. Though data science has proved to be critical, as analytical chemists, we should always focus on delivering the most accurate, precise, and reliable measurement data.
Secret to success? In the early part of my career, I have been extremely fortunate to work in five different academic laboratories. These experiences allowed me to gain combined expertise, including microfluidic engineering, robotic automation, chemical biology, proteomics, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Advice? Everyone has his/her own path to success. My suggestion is to follow your passion and be brave in the face of change. Even if you feel very comfortable staying in one lab or location, you should try to join a different lab in a different country; the diverse academic and cultural background will benefit your whole life.