Rachel Gomes
The Power List 2014

Rachel Gomes
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Manufacturing and Process Technologies Research Division, University of Nottingham, UK.
Calling: “Curiosity chose my career. Driven by 1990s news articles about chemicals in water feminizing fish, I now not only explore solutions to societal issues, but also share my curiosity through teaching.”
Regret: “No. My knowledge and experiences are a result of the path I’ve taken. It makes me who I am today.”
Emphasis: “Bioanalysis to engineer understanding in wastewater treatment. This involves remediating bioactive chemicals to deliver water that is fit for reuse.”
Triumph: “Having PhD students who are as curious and passionate about what they do as I am about my work.”
Respect: David Cowan – for the contributions he has made and is making in anti-doping analysis. The late Brian B Wheals (Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory/Visiting Lecturer Brunel University) – for inspiring and supporting me during my final year undergraduate project on developing analytical methods to detect bioactive chemicals in wastewater.
Hopes: “My hopes are to continue to enjoy what I do and the challenges that my career brings. And I want to deliver solutions that benefit society in ensuring water security.”
Prediction: “Advances in analytical equipment and utilization for trace analysis of chemical metabolites to inform on wastewater process understanding.”
Advice: “Look for opportunities; don't wait for them to come to you. Follow your heart and passions.”