Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
06/15/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Using NMR spectroscopy to investigate the structure of monoclonal antibodies
In the quest for increased sensitivity or higher resolution, let’s not lose sight of our objectives.
05/18/2015 | John Yates
My love of biology, mass spectrometry and computer programming has led me down an uncommonly rewarding path of discovery and innovation. Here, I share some of my story and look towards the horizon of my exciting and ever-changing field.
05/18/2015 | Stephen Harrison, Peter Adam
How can a metrology project to measure zero help in the goal of cleaner air?
05/18/2015 | Mark Schure
This year, I feel proud and humbled to have received two special accolades – the Dal Nogare Award and the Uwe D. Neue Award. After many years in both industry and academia, it’s extremely gratifying to be recognized. Here’s how I got where I am today.
05/18/2015 | Martin Gilar
The Uwe D. Neue award recognizes the impact that breakthrough work by industrial scientists has on analytical science. 2015’s recipient is Mark Schure – and here’s why.
05/18/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Two advances in (bio)pharmaceutical manufacture that aim to democratize the gift of medicine
05/18/2015 | Stephanie Vine
Sons and daughters; love and lemur scent
Conventional mass spectrometry can only measure the mass of a molecule – what if you could image the same molecule simultaneously?
Actually, I don’t have the power. But you do, as we launch the 2015 Power List to celebrate the Top 100 most influential analytical scientists.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond