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Techniques & Tools

Techniques & Tools Microscopy

Rewarding Lab Effectiveness and Efficiency

| Peter James

S-Lab is using an awards scheme, an annual conference, and assessment tools and guidance to drive improvement in areas that are common to both analytical and research laboratories.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Digging into Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress

| Michael Lämmerhofer

Hyphenated chromatography techniques enable the selection of representative biomarkers of oxidative stress – and help resolve the huge complexity of lipid oxidation products.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Keep On Innovating

| Philip Marriott

Are today’s ‘blue sky’ instrumental techniques tomorrow’s industry standard?

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Pluto: the New Red (Dwarf) Planet

| Stephanie Vine

Fingerprinting ice with FTIR spectroscopy ahead of New Horizons flyby of Pluto

Techniques & Tools Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Winning Wines Under Scrutiny

| Stephanie Vine

Chemical profiles link production methods with characteristic flavors

Techniques & Tools Technology

Catalyze This (or That)

| Rich Whitworth

A simple yet innovative catalytic reactor – the Polyarc – aims to give GC-FID a fresh lease of life

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Biosensing Gets Smart

| Stephanie Vine

Australian researchers harness the power of smartphone biosensing – without the need for specialized components

Techniques & Tools Environmental

Improving Life Through Science – Responsibly

| Rich Whitworth

Sigma-Aldrich places “global-citizenship” at the heart of its business.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Thirty Years Young

| Rich Whitworth

PSS is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. And growing steadily over that time from two to more than 50 people has ensured that its core principle remains unchanged: a passion for sharing knowledge that helps make the world a better place.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Holistic Bioanalytics

| Rich Whitworth

Lawrence (Larry) Lesko is a bioanalytical veteran with many years of academic and FDA experience. Now, as director of the University of Florida’s Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, Larry uses metabolomics to discover biomarkers of drug toxicity.

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