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Techniques & Tools

Techniques & Tools Technology

Late to the Flipping Party

| Olaf de Groot

Christopher Harrison described the flipped classroom as an inevitable evolution in teaching. And he’s right – but why has it taken so long for university lecturers to catch on?

Techniques & Tools Technology

Recognizing Research in Industry

| Martin Gilar

There are more researchers working in industry than in academic facilities – and, in many ways, they are shaping the future more profoundly than their academic colleagues. It’s time to push them into the limelight.

Techniques & Tools

A Level Playing Field?

| Rich Whitworth

Last year, we berated ourselves for the disappointing show of women in our Top 100 Power List (a measly eight percent). So, how did we do in our Top 40 Under 40?

Techniques & Tools Technology

Celebrating Analytical Science

| Rich Whitworth

We started The Analytical Scientist with a bold, three-word mission: recording, scrutinizing, celebrating.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Lean Innovation

| Joeri Vercammen

Swamped by information and demands for increased productivity, it can be difficult to organize our time – and minds – to facilitate “Eureka!” moments.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

The Analytical Witness

| Henry Nowicki

Think you’ve got what it takes to be an expert witness? Certainly, scientific expertise is of great importance – but there’s a lot of work ahead.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Measuring in a Material World

| Ulrich Panne

Sitting Down With… Ulrich Panne, President of BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, and Professor at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

The Weakest Link

| Henk van 't Klooster

The chemical analysis chain is only strong if the quality system takes into account each and every link – including those that can sometimes be neglected or forgotten.

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Chemometric Magic

| Ewa Szymańska

More than a year has passed since I expressed my hopes for chemometrics to take center stage in this magazine. Where are we now?

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Emphasis on Science

| Ulrich Panne

It is clear that analytical science is interdisciplinary, but what exists at its heart –and how do we instill that in students?

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