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Techniques & Tools

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

LC-MS in the US

| Joanna Cummings

Are you hitting San Francisco? Or taking a San Antonio stroll? Here are our top picks for ASMS and HPLC 2016

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Shaken and Stirred

| Joanna Cummings

GC-MS helps to create aged spirits… in only six days

Techniques & Tools Sensors

Protecting Beauty from the Beasts

| Joanna Cummings

Using an optoelectronic nose to ‘sniff out’ the pollutants attacking Disney artwork

Techniques & Tools Proteomics

Proteomics to the People

| Joanna Cummings

A beautiful video ‘sells’ the fascinating world of large-scale proteome studies

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

Language as Quality Control...

| Steven (Steve) Schultz

... or sonicate until the cockroaches disappear. When writing is central to the job of assuring health, safety, and quality, can you afford to be loose with language prone to misunderstanding? Why take a chance? Here are a few strategies to edit your written work for quality control.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Drawn to the Light

| Frank Bright

Sitting Down With... Frank Bright, Henry M. Woodburn Chair and SUNY Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, New York.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Drifting into the Future with IMS

| Tim Causon

Why old technology or ideas still have a part to play when it comes to advancing analytical techniques.

Techniques & Tools Metabolomics & Lipidomics

The Trouble with Metabolomics

| Georgios Theodoridis

The pursuit of the metabolome may no longer be a novel field, but it remains the biggest analytical challenge.

Techniques & Tools Forensics

Forensics: The Next Generation

| Bruce McCord

How will modern genomics tools and other analytical breakthroughs drive forensic science?

Techniques & Tools Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Outwitting Food Fraudsters

| Michèle Lees

Developing an effective strategy to combat food fraud can be challenging; it means thinking on your feet and staying ahead of the game.

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