Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
02/03/2016 | Jaap de Zeeuw
Five ways to speed up gas chromatography analyses using your current system
02/03/2016 | Tak Sing Wong
Can a new slippery surface for Raman scattering open the door to routine single molecule detection?
02/03/2016 | Rich Whitworth
Concerning disparity between measurements and decisions.
Two companies present their contributions to the analytical science community.
12/11/2015 | Steven Lehotay
Getting your work published in a high-quality, peer-reviewed journal isn’t easy. But if you follow these 40 tips, you could at least avoid common errors that frustrate reviewers.
12/11/2015 | Deirdre Cabooter
Sitting Down With… Deirdre Cabooter, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium, and HTC-14 committee member.
12/11/2015 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
Continual advances in liquid chromatography have raised the bar from high performance to ultra-high performance, resulting in increased analytical, instrument, and laboratory efficiency. What’s holding you back from investments in UHPLC technology?
12/10/2015 | Rich Whitworth
The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards (TASIAs) return for a third consecutive year to recognize 12 months of innovation from companies big and small.
12/10/2015 | Volker Schurig
What is the origin of stereochemical bias – terrestrial autocatalytic processes, extraterrestrial contamination or otherworldly intervention? Here, I review the gas chromatographic tools being used in the search for homochirality in space – the final frontier.
12/10/2015 | Torsten Schmidt
In water analysis, direct injection of samples into your LC-MS/MS system (without sample preparation beyond filtration) is possible because of advances in instrumentation. However, matrix effects must be monitored carefully – and sometimes may even prove useful.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond