Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
04/16/2013 | Norm Dovichi, Amanda Hummon
The proteome, which is the set of proteins expressed by a genome, cell, tissue or organism at a given time ... presents immense analytical challenges – but offers substantial rewards. Here, current approaches to proteomics, their strengths and their shortcomings, are explored.
04/15/2013 | Rich Whitworth
A new “sniff” test for explosives uses direct, real-time vapor detection in a bid to put our canine colleagues ... out of work in the screening of people, baggage and cargo.
Can deoxyribonucleic acid solve our spiralling digital data archive conundrum? Hard disc drive space is now ... measured in terabytes not megabytes. And yet still we run out of space – or money.
03/21/2013 | Rich Whitworth
A free iPad app allows you to run simulated mass spectrums of gas and vapor species without breaking ...
02/20/2013 | Paul Petersen
The Internet appears to satisfy our need for information and communication ...
02/20/2013 | Joshua M. Pearce
Free and open-source scientific hardware has the potential to liberate collective intelligence and cut ...
02/20/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Analytical scientists have become caught up in a new meme on Twitter recently. For those not ...
01/14/2013 | Razi Imam
No company can afford to rely solely on internal sources for ideas and breakthroughs, according to Henry …
01/14/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Is free, collaborative development about to have a major impact on analytical instrumentation? …
An Open Source platform promises wizardry in the analysis of proteomics mega datasets. Proteomics …
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond