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Fast and Furious – a Modern Way of assessing ADCC Activity

sponsored by Tosoh

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May 29, 2019 - 3pm BST / 4pm CEST / 10am EDT

Fc receptor affinity chromatography separates IgG glycoforms based on their ADCC activity.

A revolutionary HPLC column makes use of the FcγIIIa receptor, which plays a key role in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) by interacting with the Fc domain of immunoglobulins.

This rapid analysis can be applied to purified samples and supernatant alike and can be used in many phases of development and production such as cell line screening, upstream optimization, glycoengineering, biosimilar/originator comparison or lot comparison.

This webinar will give an introduction to the principle of FcR affinity chromatography, the influence of Fc-glycans on the separation profile and potential applications.

Learning Objectives of Webinar

  1. Discover a ground-breaking tool for fast ADCC activity assessment.
  2. Learn what FcR receptor affinity tells us about mAb glycoforms.
  3. Find out how antibody research, development, and production can benefit.

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