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Results 351–360 of 1416

Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Using US EPA Method TO-17 by Automated Cryogen-free Thermal Desorption

| Contributed by CDS Analytical

Thermal Desorption adsorbent tubes are used to capture the VOCs listed in US EPA Method TO-17.

MS compatible charge variant analysis of 28 commercial monoclonal antibodies by CEX

| Contributed by YMC

Cation exchange chromatography (CEX) is perceived to be the gold standard for the charge sensitive characterisation of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs).

Determination of true molar masses of collagen peptides

| Contributed by PSS

Collagen peptides are relatively small proteins with typical molar masses of less than 10.000 g/mol.

Using the Empore™ EZTrace SPE Workstation for Efficient, Reproducible Extractions of SVOCs

| Contributed by CDS

Extraction of SVOCs from water samples with the Empore™ SDB-XC disk by standard EPA method 525.3

Finding the Best Spectral Resolution in FTIR Spectroscopy

| Contributed by Bruker

Spectral resolution is one of the most important attributes of spectrometers

Uncovering hidden compositional changes in breath profiles using untargeted chemometric workflows

| Contributed by SepSolve Analytical

This study describes the use of thermal desorption (TD) and GC×GC– TOF MS for exploratory profiling of biomarkers in breath

Reducing Extractables and Leachables when Filtering Samples for LCMS Applications – Acrodisc® MS

| Contributed by Pall

In analytical sample preparation, extraction and leaching of chemical compounds from filters are major concerns

Quantitative Analysis of Flame Retardant TDCPP in Cushion Foam by Pyroprobe

| Contributed by CDS

Flame retardants are often added to industrial and consumer products to meet flammability standards for textiles, electronics, and insulation products

Baseline separation of chlorophenols as a result of outstanding steric selectivity of YMC-Triart C18 ExRS

| Contributed by YMC

Chlorophenols are used as pesticides, bleaching agents and disinfectants.

The Acrodisc One™ Syringe Filter with wwPTFE Membrane Compared to Syringe Filters with Regenerated Cellulose Membrane

| Contributed by Pall

Hydrophilic wwPTFE membrane offers many significant improvements over regenerated cellulose to suit the requirements of today’s analyst

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