Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
01/20/2023 | James Strachan
Co-founder and co-CEO of Emerald Cloud Lab D.J. Kleinbaum extols the power of remote access
01/16/2023 | Georgia Hulme, James Strachan | 6 min read
Graham Cooks discusses the decade’s most exciting developments, where he thinks the field will take us next, and some personal highlights
12/26/2022 | James Strachan | 8 min read
We present a selection of some of the most striking and significant spectroscopy news we’ve curated over the past year
12/14/2022 | James Strachan | 4 min read
We asked this year’s Power Listers about current challenges facing separation science, plus predictions for the future of the field
12/09/2022 | James Strachan
Are new analytical “instruments” becoming more like smart phones?
11/30/2022 | James Strachan | 4 min read
Lawrence discusses environmental analytical science, his advice for those following in his footsteps, and one scientist he’d love to have dinner with…
11/25/2022 | James Strachan | 5 min read
Ali reveals his fears, hopes, and predictions for the future of analytical science – and his dream dinner party guest list!
11/23/2022 | James Strachan | 4 min read
With many of us eating with family and friends over the Holidays, we thought we’d ask our Power Listers about their dream dinner party guests…
11/18/2022 | James Strachan | 4 min read
Sitting Down With… James Grinias, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA
11/07/2022 | James Strachan
October’s top mass spectrometry news: a proteomics-based long Covid test, speedy spectrometry, and Jonathan Sweedler on single-cell metabolomics
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond