Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
06/10/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Saturated transient absorption microscopy (STAM) opens a new door into the nanoscopic world of ... biomedical and nanomaterials research
Researchers tackle elucidation of sulfur-containing metabolites in plant extracts with Fourier ... transform mass spectrometry
In May, emerging analytical professionals gathered at a UK conference of the same name to present ... and network – and to compete for The Analytical Scientist’s first ever prize.
06/10/2013 | Rich Whitworth, Frank van Geel
WADA is on a mission to rid sports of substances that impart an unfair advantage.
06/07/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Nanotubes can be tailor-made for personal medicine, the ripening of fruits and a myriad of other uses.
05/15/2013 | Rich Whitworth
Sitting Down With Peter Schoenmakers, professor at the Faculty of Science, van‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular ... Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and co-chair of HPLC2013.
05/14/2013 | Rich Whitworth
For centuries, taste experts have had the enviable – and indispensable – job of managing brandy quality ... control. Are they about to be replaced by E-Tongue technology?
Radiocarbon dating not only supported the identification of King Richard III’s remains, it also shed ... light on his diet.
As we burn through our natural resources with gay abandon, all humans must consider the impact of non-sustainable activities and prepare to change.
New metrics promise “game-changing" improvements to SAXS.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond