Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
In this application note, we'll describe the successful molecular weight measurement of a polystyrene, PMMA and PVC sample using the OMNISEC system. This instrument can accurately measure the absolute molecular weight of any polymers independent of elution volume or structure. Although the measurements here have been performed using simple polymers, these methods can be applied to any polymer measured by GPC.
06/15/2015 | Stephanie Vine
You know the meat that’s been sitting in your fridge for a while... is it still safe?
05/15/2015 | Rich Whitworth
Sitting Down With... Richard Pollard, President of Ocean Optics, Dunedin, Florida, USA.
05/15/2015 | Katerina Mastovska
As associate scientific director of Nutritional Chemistry and Food Safety at Covance Laboratories, Katerina Mastovska must tackle the most challenging analytical questions. And she loves every second.
04/20/2015 | Richard C. King
The ageless wisdom, “imitation is the sheerest form of flattery,” once again holds true. Unfortunately in quantitative analysis, imitation comes with real consequences.
04/20/2015 | Stephanie Vine
When bottles of beer from the 1840s were found on a shipwreck, there was only one thought on the minds of analytical scientists: what chemicals do they contain?
In some industries, for example, in early-stage pharmaceutical development, it is desirable to measure particle size from a small samples of dry powders. However measuring small quantities risks measuring a sample that is not representative of the bulk material. In this application note, we demonstrate the capability of the Aero S dry dispersion unit and the Mastersizer 3000 to measure small quantities of pharmaceutical materials dosed with large particles and to detect those large, anomalous particles.
02/20/2015 | Stephanie Vine
Odorant binding proteins could help to unlock new biosensors
In this second article of a short series Dr Paul Kippax is looking at the how recent innovations are substantially enhancing the value and informational productivity of some of our established and trusted analytical techniques. This time, the addition of multiple detectors to a GPC/SEC analysis…
11/28/2014 | Sponsored by Agilent Technologies
In early 2014, Agilent Technologies approached us with a clear objective: to show how simple and robust two-dimensional liquid chromatography has become.
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond