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Fields & Applications Forensics

Bomb Track

| Ids Lemmink | 5 min read

Chemical profiles of smokeless powders are often the only link between the offense and the offender. Can we profile faster and with greater precision?

Fields & Applications Forensics

The Future of Forensics

| Michelle Wood | 6 min read

Michelle Wood talks us through some of the biggest challenges and trends in the forensics field today

Fields & Applications Forensics

Frontline Analysis in the War Against Spice

| Oliver Sutcliffe | 9 min read

How MANDRAKE gathers intelligence, shares information with the police and develops new technologies to combat the UK’s synthetic cannabinoid epidemic

Fields & Applications Forensics

What Does Your Fingerprint Say About You?

| James Strachan | 6 min read

Sex, age, pathology, and now, with imaging mass spectrometry, whether you’ve recently taken cocaine or heroin…

Fields & Applications Forensics

Bruker’s Bavarian Benchtop NMR

| James Strachan | 5 min read

Joerg Koehler explains how Bruker is working with Bavarian police to develop new spectroscopy-based tools for forensic narcotics analysis

Fields & Applications Forensics

We Know How That Cocaine Got There…

| James Strachan | 2 min read

How water cluster SIMS can differentiate between ingested and non-ingested cocaine on a person’s fingertips

Fields & Applications Forensics

The Art Of Chemical Warfare Agent Analysis

| James Strachan | 8 min read

Welcome to the challenging, potentially perilous, and (unfortunately) increasingly relevant field of chemical warfare agent analysis

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Mass Spectrometry Supplement 2022: Applied Ingenuity

Our annual Mass Spectrometry Supplement explores application notes from leading companies spanning the breadth of MS research

Fields & Applications Forensics

Scent of an Ancient Woman

| James Strachan, Margot Lespade | 2 min read

Could analytical technologies be used to reconstruct the smells of the past?

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Spotting the Bad Apples

| James Strachan

To all honorable athletes out there, be careful where you source your supplements – they could be laced with anabolic steroids!

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