Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
The stability of a protein sample and its tendency to aggregate is explored using a combination of SEC-MALS and DLS
In this application note, we'll describe the successful molecular weight measurement of a polystyrene, PMMA and PVC sample using the OMNISEC system. This instrument can accurately measure the absolute molecular weight of any polymers independent of elution volume or structure. Although the measurements here have been performed using simple polymers, these methods can be applied to any polymer measured by GPC.
In this white paper we examine the deformulation workflow, demonstrating the value of the technique of Morphologically Directed Raman Spectroscopy (MDRS) within this context. Case studies illustrate the relevance of MDRS data.
Particle agglomeration can compromise the clinical efficacy of pharmaceutical products and must therefore be closely controlled. Automated particle image analysis provides one technology which can aid agglomerate detection. This article provides practical guidance on how imaging can be applied as a routine method to robustly identify and quantify the state of agglomeration of pharmaceutical formulations.
04/23/2015 | Wim Kok
Nearly half a century ago, J. Calvin Giddings published a letter that laid out his ideas for a new separation strategy. It resulted in a collection of techniques known as field-flow fractionation (FFF)
04/21/2015 | Sponsored by Ocean Optics
Even as advances in engineering technologies and manufacturing processes have lowered the cost to make and distribute products, the demand for continued improvement is as strong as ever.
04/21/2015 | Sponsored by PSS
Copolymer analysis can be complex. The 2D approach is the only way to determine molar mass and chemical composition distributions simultaneously.
In this application note, one protein, interferon α-5, was conjugated with two different PEG molecules in different reactions. The protein and PEG molecules were characterized individually using multi-detector SEC, followed by the PEGylated conjugates. Their composition, molecular weights and intrinsic viscosities were measured. This work was performed by Celares GMBH, Germany with samples provided by DIGNA BIOTECH, Spain
11/24/2014 | Sponsored by PSS
As in HPLC before there is now a trend in GPC/SEC to separate low molar mass polymers and oligomers on columns filled with small particles.
10/20/2014 | Sponsored by Ocean Optics
Raman analysis of graphene on silicon dioxide wafers
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond