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Metabolomics & Lipidomics

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Alzheimer’s Analytics

| Michael Schubert

Predictive biomarkers in saliva may yield a simple, noninvasive diagnostic test

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Laser diffraction and automated imaging: complementary techniques for nasal spray development

The techniques of laser diffraction and automated particle imaging support the fast, cost-effective development of nasal spray products, simultaneously providing the data required for regulatory compliance. This paper examines their application.

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Black-Box Data Analysis for Spatial Metabolomics

| Andrew Palmer, Theodore Alexandrov

Automated and reliable tools for spatially annotating metabolites from imaging mass spectrometry data are essential.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Holistic Bioanalytics

| Rich Whitworth

Lawrence (Larry) Lesko is a bioanalytical veteran with many years of academic and FDA experience. Now, as director of the University of Florida’s Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, Larry uses metabolomics to discover biomarkers of drug toxicity.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Bioanalytical Living Legend

| Rich Whitworth

Sitting Down With... Barry Karger, James L. Waters Chair in Analytical Chemistry and Barnett Institute Director at Northeastern University, Massachusetts, USA.

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

We ♥ Pluto

| Rich Whitworth

And it appears Pluto loves us back – its “two-tone heart” has enchanted scientists and the general public alike. But what’s that got to do with analytical science?

Fields & Applications Liquid Chromatography

Have We Really Peaked?

| James Jorgenson

Liquid chromatography is not just an analytical tool for today, it offers a great deal for the future.

Techniques & Tools Gas Chromatography

Reinventing GC-MS

| Joshua Coon

At ASMS 2015, GC-Orbitrap™ technology was unleashed onto an expectant analytical community. Here’s the backstory.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Cutting-Edge Metabolomics

| Karl Burgess

As new technology platforms push us to the limits of what’s possible, the metabolomics community is closing in on the future of the field: routine and rapid quantitative analysis.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Building Bridges

| Gérard Hopfgartner

Sitting Down With... Gérard Hopfgartner, Professor in Analytical Sciences and Mass Spectrometry and Head of the Mass Spectrometry Platform of the Sciences Faculty, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

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