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Fields & Applications

Fields & Applications Thin Layer Chromatography

The Game Is Up

| Joanna Cummings

Thin layer chromatography and SERS track down Viagra in adulterated healthcare products

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

What is SONAR?

| John Chipperfield, Jim Langridge

We’re talking mass spectrometry rather than submarines, but how does it work, what are the advantages and who can benefit?

Fields & Applications Technology

Judgment Data?

| Jonathan Adelman, Michael Marciano

Looking at the contemporary technology supporting the forensics fields

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Keeping Afloat in Modern Water Analysis

| Ashley Sage

The trends, challenges – and solutions – that are driving the future of water analysis.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Fly in the Face of Evidence

| Jennifer Rosati

DART-MS helps analyzing the eggs of different blow fly species - and estimate time of death

Fields & Applications Liquid Chromatography

One Piece of the Puzzle

| Kacey Cliburn

Meeting Kacey Cliburn, a Research Toxicologist at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

The Super-Resolution Revolution

| Ian Gilmore

How the dream of super-resolution metabolic imaging is being realized with 3D OrbiSIMS

Fields & Applications Genomics & DNA Analysis

The New Face(s) of Forensic

| Craig O’Connor

Meet the people communicating an altruistic passion for the power of forensic science

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Managing MS Mania

| Ian Wilson

Mass spectrometry has changed the face of analytical science, but it’s not a panacea.

Fields & Applications Chemical

When Experiments Go Wrong

| Carmen Nitsche

Lab safety is a priority. We need to get better at sharing data on hazardous chemical reactions

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